please help me with that as soon as any bady can

processExpression - this method should take a String in the format: "integer [[+-*/] integer]*]" Your method should then process this expression and return the result as an integer. You must solve this problem using ONLY tools that were taught thus far in CSC535.

You have not mentioned what you have learned in CSC535, I assume you have learned about the charAt() function of the String class, the substring() function, and how to convert a string to an integer.

You would first determine the nature and location of one of the operators (+-*/) using the charAt() function.

With this information, you can then split the string into two substrings, before and after the operator.

Each of the substrings will be converted to an integer.

The operation will then be performed as required.

If you need more details, or if you have proposed code to review/debug, please post.