I am writing a Commerical/Advertisement

and my audience is single Proportion looking for the perfect match.
My Topic I am making the AD is: Proportions: When are two fractions ever a perfect match to each other?

I don't understand what my topic is and what to write???

Your topic is about proportions and finding a perfect match between two fractions. Proportions are a mathematical concept that involves comparing two or more quantities. In the context of your ad, you want to emphasize when two fractions can be considered a perfect match or equivalent to each other.

To start writing your ad, you can follow these steps:

1. Introduction: Begin by introducing the concept of proportions and how they relate to finding a perfect match between fractions. You can mention that your audience, single proportionals, can apply this concept to their search for the perfect match in relationships.

2. Explanation of Proportions: Provide a brief explanation of what proportions are and how they are represented by fractions. You can explain that proportions involve comparing two ratios, typically represented as fractions, and determining if they are equal to each other.

3. Identifying a Perfect Match: Discuss the criteria for identifying when two fractions are a perfect match or equivalent. Explain that for fractions to be a perfect match, their ratios must be equal. You can provide examples to illustrate this concept, such as 1/2 = 4/8, showing that the fractions have different numbers but represent the same proportion.

4. Applying Proportions in Life: Relate the concept of proportions to real-life situations, such as culinary recipes or interior design. This will help your audience connect the mathematical concept to their own experiences and make it more relatable.

5. Concluding Statement: Wrap up your ad by emphasizing how understanding proportions can help your audience find the perfect match in relationships. Highlight the importance of recognizing when two fractions are a perfect match and encourage your audience to apply this concept in their daily lives.

By following these steps, you can structure your ad in a way that explains the concept of proportions and highlights their relevance to finding a perfect match. Remember to use clear and engaging language to captivate your audience's attention and make the ad more memorable.