Can you see if this essay below needs some corrections that may need to be fixed:

Rocks go through the rock cycle; each type of rock can be changed into any other type of Rocks. Rocks are continuously formed; soon later the rocks start to erode and then finally form again, which is known as the Rock Cycle. Rocks have plenty of “patience”, because for rocks to change, it takes about thousands or maybe millions of years for rocks to change. There are three main types of rocks which are known as the Igneous Rock, Metamorphic Rock, and the Sedimentary Rock. These three main types of rocks are categorized by how they were formed. Igneous Rocks are classified by its “mineral content of the rock and its texture.” Metamorphic rocks are classified as being foliated or being non-foliated. Finally, Sedimentary Rocks are classified if the Sedimentary Rock is organic, detrital, and if the rock has any chemical mixtures.
Igneous rocks are classified by its texture. The igneous rock is broken down or eroded into tiny particles of pieces, which is most likely into grain size. First there are intrusive igneous rocks. Intrusive rocks are made out of magma, which eventually cool and crystalize within the crust and form large crystals that can be seen with a naked eye. A common example of an intrusive igneous rock is granite. The opposite would be extrusive, or volcanic rocks also known as lava. Lava, at the surface, is exposed to air and water which causes the molten rock to cool rapidly. The igneous rocks form at a surface, which quickly forms small particles of grain. A common example of an extrusive igneous rock is basalt. This is how an Igneous rocks are classified by its texture.
Metamorphic Rocks are created in the earth’s crust. It is formed when pressure and heat together meet at the right time. This rock does not dissolve the heat and pressure, only changing the just change the characteristics of the Metamorphic Rock. Metamorphic Rocks are classified as being foliated or being non-foliated. Foliated Metamorphic Rocks are formed within the Earth's interior surface, which are in large-amounts of pressure that are unequally placed, when the pressure is greater in one direction than in the other. The minerals in the original rock adapt itself to a new situation the long and flat minerals are now aligned perpendicular situation, which is the greatest pressure direction. Non-foliated metamorphic rocks are formed around igneous “exists” where the temperatures are high, but the pressures are quite low and equal in all directions. The original minerals within the rock starts to recrystallize into larger sizes and the atoms become more tightly packed together, which makes increasing amounts of density in the rock. This is how you would classify a Metamorphic Rocks, by seeing its Non-Foliated and Foliated characteristics.
Sedimentary rocks form from the weathering of pre-existing rocks. The broken down particles of the Sedimentary Rock then is compacted and cemented together. Depending on what the sedimentary rock is formed by, determines whether is known as detrital or chemical and even organic. They are rocks formed from pieces of pre-existing rocks or organic remains. An example of a detrital rock would be sandstones and shale. Chemical rocks are placed from many solutions and precipitation that may have been caused by chemical process. An example of a chemical rock is Rock salt, rock gypsum, and some forms of limestone. Organic Sedimentary Rocks are mostly plant remain and shells of small organisms, that are composed of particles created by life processes. Sedimentary Rocks are classified by these types the Sedimentary Rock is made up of. This is how a Sedimentary Rock is classified.
These Rocks can also change over time, which is known as the Rock Cycle. In the following, I will explain the procedure of the Rock Cycle:
First, Magma from the volcano cools down and hardens, which makes the cooled and hardened magma to form igneous rock.
Next, The Igneous Rock under goes weathering and erosion, the Igneous Rock starts to make the Igneous Rock decompose or even erode, which makes the rock break into small particles. This forms Sediment.
Then, The Sediment is deposited in layers, where litification occurs (also known as Compaction and Cementation).The Sediment is now transformed into a Sedimentary Rock.
After that, The Sedimentary Rock goes through pressure and heat and forms into a Metamorphic Rock.
Finally, The Metamorphic Rock starts to melt, from the heat and pressure. The Cycle then is repeated again and again and forever.
Now doesn’t this all sound simple, but rocks take thousands or maybe millions of years to a rock to change! You can see why I said in the beginning that rocks have plenty of “Patience.”

Quite a few grammatical errors here as well as numerous examples of incorrect use of capital letters.

Please check that the capital letter you are using is appropriate. Also Earth (the planet) is usually given a capital letter in science writing.

"This rock does not dissolve the heat and pressure, only changing the just change the characteristics of the Metamorphic Rock." does not make any sense.

Have a go at reading the essay back to yourself aloud . I think some of the errors will then be obvious to you.

Here are some corrections that can be made to the essay:

1. Rocks go through the rock cycle; each type of rock can change into any other type of rock. Rocks are continuously formed. Later, the rocks start to erode and then finally form again, which is known as the rock cycle. (Suggested rephrasing for better clarity)

2. Rocks have plenty of "patience" because it takes thousands or maybe millions of years for rocks to change.

3. There are three main types of rocks known as Igneous Rock, Metamorphic Rock, and Sedimentary Rock. These three types of rocks are categorized by how they were formed.

4. Igneous rocks are classified by their mineral content and texture. (Rephrased for clarity)

5. Metamorphic rocks are formed when pressure and heat meet at the right time. They do not dissolve under the influence of heat and pressure, but rather, they change their characteristics.

6. Metamorphic rocks are classified as foliated or non-foliated. Foliated rocks are formed under unequal pressure, where minerals align themselves perpendicular to the greatest pressure direction. Non-foliated rocks are formed under equal pressure in all directions and exhibit increased density due to tighter packing of atoms.

7. Sedimentary rocks form from the weathering of pre-existing rocks. The broken down particles of the sedimentary rock then compact and cement together. Depending on how the sedimentary rock is formed, it can be classified as detrital, chemical, or organic.

8. Detrital rocks are formed from pieces of pre-existing rocks or organic remains, such as sandstone and shale. Chemical rocks are formed through chemical processes, with examples like rock salt, rock gypsum, and certain forms of limestone. Organic sedimentary rocks are mostly composed of plant remains and shells of small organisms.

9. The rock cycle involves the transformation of rocks over time. Magma from a volcano cools and hardens, forming igneous rock. Igneous rock undergoes weathering and erosion, breaking into small particles known as sediment. The sediment is deposited in layers and undergoes lithification, transforming it into sedimentary rock. The sedimentary rock then undergoes pressure and heat, becoming metamorphic rock. Eventually, the metamorphic rock may melt, restarting the cycle again.

10. Rocks undergo these changes over thousands or millions of years, which is why they are said to have "plenty of patience."

By making these corrections, the essay will have improved clarity and better accuracy in terms of rock classification and the rock cycle.