can i get the full answer to : determine your distance traveled and displacement if you walk 100 m forward and then 35 m back ? answer son as possible please and thank you !!

Certainly! To determine your distance traveled and displacement, you need to understand the difference between the two.

Distance traveled refers to the total length of the path covered, regardless of direction. It can be calculated by adding up the distances traveled in each direction.

Displacement, on the other hand, refers to the straight-line distance from the starting point to the final position. It takes into account both the distance and direction of the movement.

In this case, you walked 100 meters forward and then 35 meters back. Let's calculate the distance traveled and displacement:

1. Distance traveled: To calculate the distance traveled, add up the distances traveled in both directions.
Distance traveled = Forward distance + Backward distance
= 100 m + 35 m
= 135 m

2. Displacement: To calculate the displacement, subtract the backward distance from the forward distance. Since you walked back in the opposite direction, the displacement will be in the opposite direction as well.
Displacement = Forward distance - Backward distance
= 100 m - 35 m
= 65 m (in the forward direction)

Therefore, your distance traveled is 135 meters, and your displacement is 65 meters in the forward direction.

I hope this explains how to calculate distance traveled and displacement in this scenario! Let me know if you have any further questions.