the gas tank in bob's car holds at most 15 gallons. He has already filled the tank with 7 gallons of gas. he will continue to fill the tank with g gallons more. Write and solve an inequality that shows all the values of g that bob can add to the cars tank.

See later posts.

To find the values of g that Bob can add to the car's tank, we need to set up an inequality based on the given information.

Let's break down the problem:

- The gas tank holds at most 15 gallons.
- Bob has already filled the tank with 7 gallons of gas.
- He will continue to fill the tank with g gallons more.

To represent the total number of gallons after he adds g more gallons to the tank, we need to add the current amount (7 gallons) to the extra gallons (g).

Total gallons = 7 + g

Since the tank can hold at most 15 gallons, we can set up an inequality by comparing the total gallons to the maximum capacity:

Total gallons ≤ 15

Substituting the expression for the total gallons, we have:

7 + g ≤ 15

To solve this inequality for g, let's isolate g by subtracting 7 from both sides:

g ≤ 15 - 7


g ≤ 8

Therefore, the inequality that shows all the values of g that Bob can add to the car's tank is g ≤ 8.