What lesson do you think is important from the reading of "Hands"?

What are your answer choices? What do YOU THINK?

Keeping your hands to yourself right?

Thank you DANNY!!:)

To determine the important lesson from the reading of "Hands," it is necessary to read and analyze the text. If you haven't read the story yet, you can search for the text online or access it from a literature book or collection. Once you have the text, follow these steps to identify the important lesson:

1. Read the story: Begin by reading the story in its entirety. Pay attention to the plot, characters, and significant events.

2. Identify themes: Identify the central ideas or themes present in the story. Observe the recurring ideas or messages that the author conveys throughout the text.

3. Analyze character development: Study the development of the main character(s) in the story, paying particular attention to their experiences, conflicts, and transformations.

4. Look for key moments: Pay attention to significant moments or events in the story that seem to provide insight or carry symbolic meaning.

5. Analyze author's intent: Consider the author's intentions and purpose for writing the story. What message or moral lesson might they want to convey through the narrative?

6. Reflect on the story's impact: Consider how the story made you feel or think. Reflect on any personal connections or societal issues that the story addresses.

By following these steps, you should be able to analyze the story of "Hands" and identify the important lesson or takeaway it offers. Remember, each reader may interpret the story differently, so your understanding of the lesson may vary from others.