Micah and Will watched a skater skate at a steady speed around a oval rink.Micah said the skater had no acceleration.Will said that the skater was accelerating.Who is right?Explain your reasoning.Be sure to describe how the skater's motion and velocity change.

what is happening during the curves? is direction changing?


Someone please help me 😢😢😢

To determine who is right, we need to understand the concepts of acceleration, velocity, and how they relate to the skater's motion.

Acceleration refers to the rate of change of velocity with respect to time. If an object's velocity is changing, either by speeding up or slowing down, then it is experiencing acceleration. On the other hand, if the object's velocity remains constant, then it has no acceleration.

In this scenario, Micah stated that the skater had no acceleration, while Will said that the skater was accelerating. Let's analyze their statements:

Micah's statement suggests that the skater's velocity is not changing. This means that the skater is maintaining a constant speed throughout the entire motion. If the skater is consistently moving at the same rate, without any changes, then Micah is correct in saying that the skater has no acceleration.

Will's statement suggests that the skater is accelerating. This implies that the skater's velocity is changing, either increasing or decreasing. However, we should consider the context. The skater is moving at a steady speed around an oval rink.

If the skater maintains a constant speed but changes direction while moving in a circular path, the skater's velocity is indeed changing. Velocity has both magnitude (speed) and direction. Since the skater is always turning, the direction of their velocity vector is changing, indicating a change in velocity. Therefore, in this case, Will is correct in stating that the skater is accelerating.

In summary, Micah is correct if they are referring to the skater's speed while Will is correct if they are referring to the skater's acceleration due to the changing direction of their motion around the oval rink.