I hv been try to do but...calcu the GPE of a roller coaster car points B is 5m/C 3,2m nd C 9,8 also D...

If a object has a w of 1060 calculate the mass

I do not understand the first question.

In general U = m g h
m in kilograms
g is about 9.81 m/s^2 on earth surface
h is height in meters above some reference level, probably the ground here.

If a object has a w of 1060 calculate the mass

m g = 1060 Newtons I assume
m = 1060 /9.81 in kilograms

To calculate the gravitational potential energy (GPE) of a roller coaster car at different points, you need to know the mass of the car and the height of each point.

The formula to calculate GPE is:

GPE = mass × gravitational acceleration × height

1. Determine the mass of the roller coaster car. This information is typically given in the problem or you need to find it elsewhere.

2. Calculate the GPE at each point:

- Point B: Given the height of 5 meters, plug the values into the formula:
GPE at B = mass × gravitational acceleration × height at B

- Point C: Given the height of 3.2 meters, plug the values into the formula:
GPE at C = mass × gravitational acceleration × height at C

- Point D: Given the height of 9.8 meters, plug the values into the formula:
GPE at D = mass × gravitational acceleration × height at D

Remember to use the same units for mass, height, and the gravitational acceleration. The standard gravity acceleration is approximately 9.8 m/s² (meters per second squared).

By plugging in the mass and the corresponding heights into the formula, you can calculate the GPE at each point.