How do you write a conversion factor relating cubic centimeters and milliliters?

To write a conversion factor relating cubic centimeters (cc) and milliliters (mL), you need to know that these two units are actually equivalent in value. One milliliter is equal to one cubic centimeter.

To write the conversion factor, you can set up a fraction where the numerator and denominator are the same value expressed in different units. In this case, the conversion factor is:

1 mL / 1 cc

This means that 1 milliliter is equivalent to 1 cubic centimeter. The numerator (1 mL) and denominator (1 cc) represent the same quantity but expressed in different units.

Now, if you want to convert from cubic centimeters to milliliters, you can multiply the given value by the conversion factor:

CC * (1 mL / 1 cc) = mL

For example, if you have 50 cc, you can calculate the equivalent in milliliters as:

50 cc * (1 mL / 1 cc) = 50 mL

So, 50 cubic centimeters is equal to 50 milliliters.