According to Skinner and psychologists who study operant conditioning, which of the following provides the best consequence?

1. Pay your children $10 for n a report every 'A' that they will earn on a report card.
2. "I like the way you are sitting so quietly."

What is your answer?

SR operant conditioning requires feedback immediately, so 2.

"I like the way you are sitting so quietly."

Thank you bobpursley.

To determine which option provides the best consequence according to Skinner and psychologists who study operant conditioning, we need to consider the principles of operant conditioning.

Operant conditioning focuses on the relationship between behavior and its consequences. It suggests that behaviors can be strengthened or weakened based on the consequences that follow them. Reinforcement is a consequence that increases the likelihood of a behavior occurring again in the future.

Now, let's analyze the two options you provided:

1. Pay your children $10 for each 'A' they earn on a report card:
This option involves positive reinforcement. By providing monetary rewards for earning high grades, the behavior of achieving 'A's on report cards is being reinforced. According to operant conditioning principles, positive reinforcement is effective in strengthening behaviors. So, this option aligns with the principles of operant conditioning and would likely provide a strong reinforcer for your children to earn good grades.

2. "I like the way you are sitting so quietly":
This option involves verbal praise, which can be considered a form of positive reinforcement. Verbal praise provides feedback and acknowledgment, which can be motivating to some individuals. However, the effectiveness of verbal praise as a reinforcer can vary depending on the individual's preferences and the context. While verbal praise might be appreciated, it may not have the same level of reinforcement value as a monetary reward.

In conclusion, based on the principles of operant conditioning and the concept of reinforcement, option 1 (paying children for earning 'A's on their report cards) is likely to provide a stronger and more effective consequence compared to option 2 (verbal praise for sitting quietly).