Please help I have no idea where to start.

Solve for h

5h + 5+ 4h = 36

subtract 5 frm each side


solve for h. The real world is seldom made up of whole numbers.

Start by combining like terms. Get the knowns on one side and the unknowns on the other side.

5h + 5+ 4h = 36
9h + 5 = 36

Subtract 5 from both sides of the equation.

9h = 31

Divide both sides by 9.

To solve for h in the equation 5h + 5 + 4h = 36, we need to get all the h terms on one side of the equation and all the constant terms on the other side. Here's how:

Step 1: Combine like terms.
Start by combining the h terms on the left side of the equation. Adding 5h and 4h gives us 9h.
The equation now becomes 9h + 5 = 36.

Step 2: Isolate the variable term.
Now, we want to isolate the variable term (9h) on one side of the equation. Since 5 is added to 9h, we can subtract 5 from both sides of the equation to remove it from the left side.
9h + 5 - 5 = 36 - 5 simplifies to 9h = 31.

Step 3: Solve for h.
To solve for h, divide both sides of the equation by 9 (the coefficient of h).
9h/9 = 31/9 simplifies to h = 31/9.

Therefore, the solution to the equation 5h + 5 + 4h = 36 is h = 31/9.