
(-11)^(-3) = 1/(-11)^3 = - 1/1331

your calc should be able to do that.

-7.5 * 10^-4

To calculate -11 raised to the power of -3, follow these steps:

Step 1: Compute the reciprocal of -11
The reciprocal of a number 'a' is 1/a. In this case, the reciprocal of -11 is -1/11.

Step 2: Calculate the exponent
Raise the reciprocal (-1/11) to the power of -3. This means multiplying the reciprocal by itself three times.

(-1/11) * (-1/11) * (-1/11)

Step 3: Simplify the expression
To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators (terms above the fraction line) and multiply the denominators (terms below the fraction line).

(-1 * -1 * -1) / (11 * 11 * 11)

This simplifies to:

-1 / 1331

So, -11 raised to the power of -3 equals -1/1331.