trains a and b are traveling in the same direction on parallel tracks. train a is traveling at 100 miles per hour and train b is traveling at 110 miles per hour. train a passes a station at 10:10 p.m. if train b passes the same station at 10:40 pm., at what time will train b catch up to train a

D = RT (Distance = Rate * Time)

110 = rate of Train B
T = time of Train B
110T = distance of Train B

100 = rate of Train A
T + 0.50 = time of Train A (10:40 - 10:10 = 30 min = 60/30 = 0.50 h)
100(T + 0.50) = distance of Train A

Distances are equal
110T = 100(T + 0.50)
110T = 100T + 50
10T = 50
T = 5 h

Train B will catch up in 5 hours
I'll let you determine the time B catches train A.