I'm writing an essay and the topic is " Should student be able to go on dangerous field trip like rock climbing?" I'm disagreeing to this and I need 3 reason why. These are my 2 reason, could anyone give me another 3 or just 1? Thanks

- Students will be put in danger.
- Not many parents will allow their kid to go on the field trips.

The school would be liable if anybody got hurt. This could cost the taxpayers a lot of money.

Dangerous field trips do not enhance a student's education.

Dangerous field trips are not included in a school's curriculum.

Certainly! Here's another reason why students should not be allowed to go on dangerous field trips like rock climbing:

3. Potential liability and insurance issues: Organizing dangerous activities like rock climbing can expose schools to liability risks. If a student gets injured during a field trip, it may lead to legal issues and potential financial burden on the school or education system. Schools need to consider the costs associated with proper insurance coverage and the potential consequences if accidents occur. Therefore, to avoid these risks, it is best to refrain from organizing dangerous field trips.

Remember, when writing essays, it's important to provide evidence and examples to support your arguments. You can further strengthen your points by including statistics, personal anecdotes, or research studies related to the topic.