Two blocks are released from the same height above the floor. Block A slides through a less inclined track to the floor, whereas block b slides on more inclined track to the floor. Assume no friction.Which block gets to the bottom(floor) of the incline first?


The acceleration rate down the plane is

a = g sin A,
where A is the angle the ramp makes to the horizontal. The total length L that it must travel is
L = H/sin A,
where H is the height that it must fall.

The time T required to travel the length of the ramp is such that

(1/2) a T^2 = L
T = sqrt(2L/a)
= (1/sin A) sqrt(gH)
The smaller the angle A, the longer it takes.

To determine which block reaches the bottom of the incline first, we need to consider the concept of acceleration due to gravity and the relationship between gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy.

Since both blocks are released from the same height above the floor, they initially have the same gravitational potential energy. As they slide down the incline, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. According to the law of conservation of energy, the total mechanical energy (potential energy + kinetic energy) remains constant throughout the motion.

However, the angle of the incline affects the acceleration experienced by the blocks. The steeper the incline, the higher the acceleration.

Now, let's analyze the two blocks:

1. Block A: It slides down a less inclined track to the floor. As the incline is less steep, the block will experience a lower acceleration compared to block B.

2. Block B: It slides down a more inclined track to the floor. Since the incline is steeper, block B will experience a higher acceleration compared to block A.

According to the equation of motion, which relates distance, acceleration, and time (assuming no friction), the block with a higher acceleration will reach the bottom first.

Therefore, block B will reach the bottom of the incline first.

In summary, the block that slides down the steeper incline (block B) will reach the bottom of the incline first because it experiences a higher acceleration due to the steeper slope.