Need help with negation using demorgan law.

~(a and ~b)

I have

~a and b

Is that correct?

To convert the expression ~(a and ~b) using De Morgan's Law, you need to distribute the negation (~) to the individual terms inside the parentheses and change the logical operator.

De Morgan's Law for negation of a conjunction (and) states that ~(A and B) is equivalent to ~A or ~B.

Applying this to ~(a and ~b), we can distribute the negation and change the logical operator:

~(a and ~b) becomes ~a or ~~b

The double negation (~~b) cancels out and simplifies to just b.

Therefore, ~(a and ~b) is equivalent to ~a or b.

So, your answer ~a and b is not correct. The correct answer is ~a or b.