Gina flew from Toronto to Chicago and back again. The average speed of the plane was 332 km/h to Chicago and 415 km/h back to Toronto. If the actual flying time for the round trip was 4.5 h, how far is it from Toronto to Chicago?

Well, since Gina went to Chicago and back, we can consider the distance from Toronto to Chicago as a round trip distance. So, let's call that "x" kilometers.

Now, we know the average speed of the plane on the way to Chicago was 332 km/h and on the way back it was 415 km/h. The total flying time for the round trip was 4.5 hours.

To find the distance, we need to figure out the time it took for each leg of the trip. Let's say it took "t" hours to fly from Toronto to Chicago. That means it took (4.5 - t) hours to fly back from Chicago to Toronto.

Now, we can use the formula: distance = speed * time.

For the first leg of the trip:
Distance from Toronto to Chicago = 332 km/h * t hours

For the second leg of the trip:
Distance from Chicago to Toronto = 415 km/h * (4.5 - t) hours

Since it was a round trip, the distance from Toronto to Chicago is the same as the distance from Chicago to Toronto. So we can equate the two expressions:

332t = 415(4.5 - t)

Now we solve for "t" and get the distance:

332t = 1862.5 - 415t

747t = 1862.5

t = 2.49

So, it took approximately 2.49 hours to fly from Toronto to Chicago. Now we can calculate the distance:

Distance from Toronto to Chicago = 332 km/h * 2.49 hours

Distance from Toronto to Chicago ≈ 826.68 kilometers

So, it's approximately 826.68 kilometers from Toronto to Chicago. Just don't forget to pack some deep-dish pizza for the flight!

To solve this problem, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

Let's denote the distance from Toronto to Chicago as "d" (in km).

The time taken to fly from Toronto to Chicago is given as 4.5 hours.

From the information given, we know that the average speed from Toronto to Chicago is 332 km/h and the average speed from Chicago to Toronto is 415 km/h.

Using the formula, we can write two equations:

d = 332 × x (1)
d = 415 × (4.5 - x) (2)

In equation (1), x represents the time taken from Toronto to Chicago.

In equation (2), we subtract x from 4.5 because the total flying time is 4.5 hours and we have already accounted for the time taken from Toronto to Chicago.

Now, let's solve these equations to find the value of d, which represents the distance from Toronto to Chicago.

Substituting equation (1) into equation (2), we get:

332 × x = 415 × (4.5 - x)

Expanding the equation, we have:

332x = 415 × 4.5 - 415x

Rearranging the terms, we get:

332x + 415x = 415 × 4.5

747x = 1867.5

Dividing both sides by 747, we find:

x = 1867.5 / 747

x ≈ 2.5

So, the time taken from Toronto to Chicago is approximately 2.5 hours.

Now, substituting this value back into equation (1), we can find the distance:

d = 332 × 2.5

d = 830 km

Therefore, the distance from Toronto to Chicago is approximately 830 km.

To find the distance between Toronto and Chicago, we can use the equation:

Distance = Average Speed * Time

Let's begin by calculating the time it took Gina to fly from Toronto to Chicago and back.

Let "x" represent the time it took Gina to fly from Toronto to Chicago. Since the total flying time for the round trip was 4.5 hours, the time it took Gina to fly back from Chicago to Toronto would be 4.5 - x.

Now, let's calculate the distances for each leg of the trip.

Distance from Toronto to Chicago = Average speed to Chicago * Time to Chicago
Distance from Chicago to Toronto = Average speed back to Toronto * Time back to Toronto

Substituting the values, we get:

Distance from Toronto to Chicago = 332 km/h * x
Distance from Chicago to Toronto = 415 km/h * (4.5 - x)

Since the total distance of the round trip is the same regardless of the direction, we can equate the distances:

332x = 415(4.5 - x)

Solving this equation will give us the value of "x" which represents the time it took Gina to fly from Toronto to Chicago.

332x = 415(4.5 - x)
332x = 1860 - 415x
332x + 415x = 1860
747x = 1860
x = 1860/747
x ≈ 2.49

So, it took approximately 2.49 hours for Gina to fly from Toronto to Chicago.

Finally, we can calculate the distance between Toronto and Chicago by substituting the value of "x" into the equation:

Distance from Toronto to Chicago = 332 km/h * x
Distance from Toronto to Chicago = 332 km/h * 2.49
Distance from Toronto to Chicago ≈ 824.68 km

Therefore, the distance from Toronto to Chicago is approximately 824.68 km.



set them equal, solve for T, the time going there. Then find distance.