I'm researching the book To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee. I'm looking for examples to strengthen and support my thesis statement that Jem and Scout started feeling that their father was older and more feeble towards the end of Part 1. Any ideas?

Read the section on Atticus.

To find examples that strengthen and support your thesis statement about Jem and Scout feeling that their father was older and more feeble towards the end of Part 1 in "To Kill a Mockingbird," you can refer to the character analysis of Atticus on SparkNotes. Here's how you can use the provided resource:

1. Go to the SparkNotes website (http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/mocking/canalysis.html).

2. Scroll down or use the search function to find the section on Atticus.

3. Read the character analysis of Atticus, as it will provide you with a deeper understanding of his role in the story.

4. Pay attention to the portrayal of Atticus and any specific details that indicate his age or frailty. Look for instances where Jem and Scout's perception of their father may have changed.

5. Take note of any examples or quotes from the book mentioned in the character analysis that you can use to support your thesis statement.

By exploring the character analysis of Atticus, you will have a better understanding of his portrayal in the novel and can identify specific instances where Jem and Scout's perception of him may have changed. Don't forget to include quotations from the book in your essay to strengthen your argument.