I left out these few statements on the themes I would like you to check. Thank you very much.

1.Macbeth is the shortest of S’s tragedies; it is simple in its plot but complex in its psychological analyses of what takes place in the mind of the criminal.
2. The hero starts the play as a brave character and ends up as a murderous tyrant as a result of his ambition and thirst for power. When Macbeth meets the three witches, the audience realizes that his physical courage is joined by ambition and a tendency to inner torment.
3. Through Macbeth Shakespeare shows the terrible effects that ambition and guilt can have on a man who lacks strength of character.
4.Regicide brings about chaos, catastrophe and terrible weather conditions. On the night of the murder the earth trembles. After the murder the sky is troubled, darkness covers the earth during the day, a falcon is killed by an owl, Duncan’s horses break their stalls and eat one another.
4. The reversal of values “Fair is foul, and foul is fair” introduced by the three witches represents the most dangerous aspect of equivocation. This theme is related to the one of false appearances. Shakespeare explores the difference between what is true and what only seems to be true.
5. Time is another important theme: the fundamental question is whether the future is preordained or not inevitable, not fixed, the result of individual activity.

1 - OK

2 - OK

3 - comma after "Macbeth"

4 - comma after "catastrophe," "murder," "murder"
Put semicolons instead of commas so you don't end up with run-ons: ... the sky is troubled, darkness covers the earth during the day, a falcon is killed by an owl, Duncan’s horses break their stalls and eat one another.

second 4 - comma after "values" and "'fair'"

5 - capital T on "the"