Three double bonds in Cyclohexene (CH subscript 3) 3 (another subscript) CCl with AlCl (subscript 3) as a catalyst results in what? Then, that added with HNo (subscript 3) and sulfuric acid as a catalyst becomes one minor and one major result. What are these? I am trying to complete a flow chart.

C6H6 + (CH3)3Cl -AlCl3---> C6H5(CH3)3

C6H5(CH3)3 ---- HNO3/H2SO4-->
para-NO2 C6H5(CH3)3---- major
ortho-NO2 C6H5(CH3)3---- minor

In order to determine the products obtained through different reactions, it is necessary to first understand the reactions taking place.

1. Reaction with AlCl₃ catalyst:
When cyclohexene (C₆H₁₁) is treated with three equivalents of CCl₄ (carbon tetrachloride) in the presence of AlCl₃ (aluminum chloride) as a catalyst, it undergoes a process called chlorination.

The reaction can be represented as follows:
C₆H₁₁ + 3CCl₄ (in the presence of AlCl₃ catalyst) → (C₆H₉Cl₃) (product)

In this reaction, three hydrogen atoms are replaced by three chlorine atoms resulting in the formation of trichlorocyclohexane, C₆H₉Cl₃.

2. Reaction with HNO₃ and H₂SO₄ catalyst:
The second step involves treating trichlorocyclohexane (C₆H₉Cl₃) with HNO₃ (nitric acid) and H₂SO₄ (sulfuric acid) as catalysts. This is a process called nitration.

The reaction can be represented as follows:
C₆H₉Cl₃ + HNO₃ (in the presence of H₂SO₄ catalyst) → Major Product + Minor Product

In nitration, one of the chlorine atoms attached to the cyclohexane ring is replaced by a nitro group (-NO₂). This substitution can occur in different positions around the ring, resulting in both a major and a minor product.

The major product is formed when the nitro group (-NO₂) is attached to the carbon atom that leads to a more stable intermediate during the reaction. Meanwhile, the minor product is formed when the nitro group (-NO₂) is attached to a less stable intermediate carbon atom.

To complete your flowchart, you would need to specify the major and minor products resulting from the nitration reaction. However, without further information or specific substitution patterns, it is not possible to determine the exact products. The specific positions of the nitro group substitution would be required in order to accurately identify the major and minor products.