Mrs. Scheib was riding her bike and leaves home and rides due east for a distance of 45 km. she returns home on the same bike path. if the entire bike path takes 4 hrs what is her average speed?

Is it 11.25?


To find Mrs. Scheib's average speed, we can use the formula:

Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time

Given that Mrs. Scheib rides due east for a distance of 45 km and returns home, the total distance covered is 2 times the distance she rides due east, which is 2 * 45 km = 90 km.

The total time taken to complete the bike path is given as 4 hours.

Therefore, the average speed is:

Average Speed = 90 km / 4 hours = 22.5 km/h

So, Mrs. Scheib's average speed is 22.5 km/h, not 11.25 km/h.

To find Mrs. Scheib's average speed, you need to divide the total distance she traveled by the total time it took her.

In this case, Mrs. Scheib traveled a distance of 45 km east and then returned home, so her total distance is 45 km + 45 km = 90 km.

The total time it took her to complete the bike path is given as 4 hours.

To find her average speed, divide the total distance (90 km) by the total time (4 hours):

Average speed = Total distance / Total time
Average speed = 90 km / 4 hours
Average speed = 22.5 km/h

Therefore, Mrs. Scheib's average speed is 22.5 km/h, not 11.25 km/h.