if a stone is tossed from the top of a 330 meter building, the height of the stone as a function of time is given by h(t)=-0.8t^2-10t+330, where t is in seconds, and height is in meters. After how many seconds will the stone hit the ground?

You must find where is :


In google type:

"quadratic equation online"

When you see list of results click on:


When page be open in rectacangle type:


and click option solve it.

Solutions are t=(-55/2) and t=15

Time can't be negative so t=15


You must find where is :



To find the time at which the stone hits the ground, we need to find the value of t for which the height h(t) is equal to zero.

Given the equation for the height of the stone as a function of time:

h(t) = -0.8t^2 - 10t + 330

We can set h(t) to zero and solve for t:

0 = -0.8t^2 - 10t + 330

This equation is a quadratic equation in the form of at^2 + bt + c = 0, where a = -0.8, b = -10, and c = 330.

To solve this equation, we can use the quadratic formula:

t = (-b ± sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

Plugging in the values, we have:

t = (-(-10) ± sqrt((-10)^2 - 4(-0.8)(330))) / (2(-0.8))

Simplifying further:

t = (10 ± sqrt(100 + 1056)) / (-1.6)

t = (10 ± sqrt(1156)) / (-1.6)

t = (10 ± 34) / (-1.6)

Now we have two possible solutions for t:

t1 = (10 + 34) / (-1.6) ≈ -27.5

t2 = (10 - 34) / (-1.6) ≈ 22.5

Since time cannot be negative in this context, the stone will hit the ground after approximately 22.5 seconds.