list two of the red herrings that The Thinking Machine sets up for the warden in "The Problem of Cell 13"

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One red herring in "The Problem of Cell 13" is how The Thinking Machine gets pen and paper to write the note to the warden.

In "The Problem of Cell 13," the famous fictional detective character, The Thinking Machine, sets up several red herrings to mislead the warden. Here are two of them:

1. The first red herring involves The Thinking Machine requesting that the cell door be made of glass and the warden to be present while he remains inside. The warden assumes that The Thinking Machine will try to escape by breaking the glass or manipulating it somehow to open the door. This diversion distracts the warden from considering alternative escape methods.

2. The second red herring is introduced when The Thinking Machine asks for an electrical alarm system to be installed in the cell. The warden believes that The Thinking Machine intends to tamper with the wiring or trigger the alarm to create chaos and confusion. This diversion further misleads the warden from focusing on the actual means of escape.

These red herrings create false assumptions in the mind of the warden, diverting his attention away from the real escape plan, thus increasing the challenge for The Thinking Machine to outsmart him.