What are the 4 categories included in the Periodic Table?

There are many ways to categorize elements. I am uncertain how you got just four.

The Originator of the four concepts did it this way...


Maybe your teacher is looking for these four: Nonmetals, metals, noble gases, and rare earths. Or nonmetals, metals, noble gases, and metalloids.

Do you know the group numbers of the periodic table or know a site that does?

Go to www.webelements.com amd click on the pro version.

Do you guys have a poem for group 17 of the periodic table

I apologize for the confusion, but as a text-based AI, I do not have the capability to navigate or access external websites. However, I can provide you with a general overview of the group numbers on the periodic table.

The periodic table is divided into groups or families, which are vertical columns. There are 18 groups in total, numbered from 1 to 18. Each group contains elements with similar chemical properties. For example, Group 1 elements are known as alkali metals, Group 17 elements are halogens, and Group 18 elements are noble gases.

If you need more specific information or details about the periodic table, I recommend referring to reliable online sources or textbooks.

The group numbers of the periodic table refer to the columns in the table. The numbers range from 1 to 18, starting from the left side. Each group number represents a specific group or family of elements with similar properties.

Here's how you can determine the group number of an element:
1. Locate the element in the periodic table.
2. Identify its column or vertical position.
3. The number assigned to that column is the group number of the element.

As for the website recommendation, www.webelements.com is a great resource to access detailed information about the elements, including their group numbers. You can navigate to the specific element you are interested in and find its group number along with other properties.