How would I find two points on a graph?

Can you be more specific? For starters, are you given an equation or the graph?

The following graph shows Bob’s salary from the year 2002 to the year 2005. He was hired in the year 2002; therefore t = 0 represents the year 2002.

List the coordinates of any two points on the graph in (x, y) form.
(___, ___),(___, ___)
b) Find the slope of this line:

Show your work here:
c) Find the equation of this line in slope-intercept form.
Show or explain your work here:
d) If Bob’s salary trend continued, what would his salary be in the year 2008?
Show or explain your work here:

Well, if you look at the graph, your axes should be labeled. The horizontal is the x-axis, and the vertical is the y-axis. (You probably knew this; I don't mean to insult your intelligence.)

Anyway, there should be some points that you can pick out by observing the graph. For example, you've told me the first part of one coordinate. t=0, so that will be (0, y). Just look at the graph to see what y-value is up from x=0.

Let me know if you have any questions.

its not that kind of graph, it's a graph that shows his salary from 0 to 4 years.

These are the points on the graph!

O year = $41000
1 year = $43000
2 year = $46000
3 year = $48500

The following graph shows Bob’s salary from the year 2002 to the year 2005. He was hired in the year 2002; therefore t = 0 represents the year 2002.

List the coordinates of any two points on the graph in (x, y) form.
(___, ___),(___, ___)
b) Find the slope of this line:

Show your work here:
c) Find the equation of this line in slope-intercept form.
Show or explain your work here:
d) If Bob’s salary trend continued, what would his salary be in the year 2008?
Show or explain your work here:

To find two points on a graph, you typically need to know either the coordinates of the points or information that allows you to determine their coordinates. Here's a step-by-step process to find two points on a graph:

1. Identify the type of graph: Determine whether the graph is a line, curve, or any other type. This will help you understand how the points should be located.

2. Gather any known information: Look for any given information that can help you determine the coordinates. For example, you might have the slope of a line, the y-intercept, or specific x or y values.

3. Determine the x-coordinate: If you have the x-coordinate of a point, locate that value on the x-axis of the graph. If not, choose an arbitrary x-value and locate it on the x-axis.

4. Use the graph to find the y-coordinate: Once you have the x-coordinate, trace a vertical line from that point on the x-axis and see where it intersects the graph. The y-value at that intersection point represents the y-coordinate of the point.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4: Repeat the process using another x-coordinate to find the corresponding y-coordinate of the second point. Make sure to use different x-values to ensure you get two distinct points.

6. Record the points: Once you have the x and y coordinates for two different points on the graph, record them as ordered pairs (x, y). These pairs represent the two points you were looking for.

Keep in mind that finding points on a graph might require additional information or different techniques depending on the specific situation.