Plot the following points on the given rectangular coordinate system by clicking on the given dots and dragging them.

Points to plot:
(-3, -2 )
(-1, 0)
(1, 2)

If you were to connect these points with a line, where would the y-intercept be located? Give answer in (x, y) form.

(___, ___)


To plot the points (-3, -2), (-1, 0), and (1, 2), you can follow these steps:

1. Start by opening a rectangular coordinate system or graph paper.
2. Locate the point (-3, -2) on the graph. Find the x-coordinate -3 on the x-axis, and then find the y-coordinate -2 on the y-axis. Mark this point with a dot.
3. Locate the point (-1, 0) on the graph. Find the x-coordinate -1 on the x-axis, and then find the y-coordinate 0 on the y-axis. Mark this point with a dot.
4. Locate the point (1, 2) on the graph. Find the x-coordinate 1 on the x-axis, and then find the y-coordinate 2 on the y-axis. Mark this point with a dot.

After plotting these points, you can connect them with a straight line. The line will pass through all three points (-3, -2), (-1, 0), and (1, 2).

To find the y-intercept of this line, look for the point where the line crosses the y-axis. The y-axis corresponds to the x-coordinate of 0. Since the points given do not have an x-coordinate of 0, the line does not intersect the y-axis. Therefore, the y-intercept for this line is not defined.

In (x, y) form, the y-intercept is represented as (0, ___), but we cannot determine the y-coordinate.