Q; a main source of fat and saturated fatty acids in children's diets is

A.meat B.candy C.whole milk D .french fries

My answer D


Yes, your answer is correct. French fries are often fried in oils that are high in saturated fats, making them a main source of fat and saturated fatty acids in children's diets.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the options:

A) Meat: While meat can contribute to dietary fat and saturated fatty acids, it is not primarily associated with children's diets as a main source.

B) Candy: While candy can contain fats, it is not typically a significant source of saturated fatty acids in children's diets.

C) Whole milk: While whole milk does contain fat, it is also a source of important nutrients for children. However, it does not typically contain high amounts of saturated fatty acids.

D) French fries: French fries are often cooked in oils that are high in saturated fats, such as vegetable oils or shortening. Consuming a lot of french fries can result in a significant intake of dietary fat and saturated fatty acids.

Therefore, D (french fries) is the most accurate answer.