Jacques Cartier sailed to the New World in 1534 in search of

A. Montreal.
B. Newfoundland.
C. the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
D. a northwest passage to China.


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in 1777 who commanded the american solders who captured 5,000 brtish soldiers under general burgone at saratoga

To find the answer to this question, we can start by understanding who Jacques Cartier was and what his main goals were. Jacques Cartier was a French explorer who was sent on several expeditions by King Francis I of France. His primary purpose was to find a route to Asia and establish a trading route for France's fur industry.

To determine which option Jacques Cartier sailed to the New World in search of, we need to evaluate each choice:

A. Montreal: Montreal is a city in Canada, but it did not exist during Jacques Cartier's time. It was founded in 1642, several years after his expeditions.

B. Newfoundland: Newfoundland is an island off the eastern coast of Canada. It was known for its abundance of fish, particularly cod, but it was not Cartier's main objective.

C. The Gulf of St. Lawrence: The Gulf of St. Lawrence is a large body of water located between the Canadian provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador and Quebec. This option seems plausible because it could have been a potential route to Asia.

D. A northwest passage to China: A northwest passage was a sought-after route that would connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, providing a quicker route to China and other Asian countries. This option aligns with Jacques Cartier's overall goal as an explorer.

Based on the options given, the correct answer is D. Jacques Cartier sailed to the New World in 1534 in search of a northwest passage to China.