1. Consider the literal and implied meanings of the title of the play. Summarize those meanings. what is this question asking? I don't get what it wants m,e to do? I am reading death of a sales man!

What does the title say? Who does the Salesman represent? Is this play a social commentary on the middle class in America? Is opportunity dead? Was the Salesman somebody, yet anybody?

Rob, Think of Willy as a "tragic hero". He is destined to his "fate" by his own humanity. Look up the definition of tragic hero and then compare Willy to that definition. You can see a step by step progression to his death, driven by his own choices and the situation in which he finds himself.

What is the irony in Linda's last lines "we're free. we're free

This question is asking you to think about the literal and implied meanings of the title of the play "Death of a Salesman" and summarize those meanings. By examining the title, you can gather insights into what the play might be exploring.

The literal meaning of the title refers to the death of a salesman, which is a central event in the play. It suggests that the story revolves around the life and ultimate demise of a salesman. This gives a clear indication of the subject matter of the play.

However, the implied meanings of the title are more metaphorical and symbolic. The salesman, in this case, represents not just the main character Willy Loman but also the concept of the American Dream, success, and the pursuit of happiness in a capitalist society. The play can be seen as a critique of the American Dream and the negative consequences it can have on individuals and their families.

The play may also be interpreted as a social commentary on the middle class in America during the time it was written. It delves into themes of disillusionment, identity, and the loss of opportunities for ordinary individuals.

It is important to note that these interpretations are subjective and different readers may have different perspectives on the play. It is recommended to read the play carefully, analyze the characters, their actions, and their motivations to form your own understanding of the title's meanings.

Regarding the second part of your question, if you are reading "Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller, it is suggested to think of Willy Loman as a "tragic hero." To understand this concept, you can look up the definition of a tragic hero in literature and compare Willy Loman to that definition. A tragic hero often has a fatal flaw or experiences a downfall, and their journey towards destruction is often driven by their own choices and circumstances. By analyzing Willy Loman's character and actions, you can identify if he aligns with the qualities of a tragic hero.

As for the last question about the irony in Linda's last lines "we're free. we're free," it is helpful to consider the context in which these lines are spoken. Look for any contradictions or discrepancies between the character's situation and the meaning conveyed by their words. This can help you identify the irony in Linda's statement and understand the deeper meaning behind it.