how do you find the lenght of the midsegment of a trapezoid when one base equals 21 and the other 17 ?

To find the length of the midsegment of a trapezoid, you need to follow a mathematical formula. The midsegment is the line segment that connects the midpoints of the two non-parallel sides of the trapezoid.

In this case, let's assume the trapezoid has bases AB (where AB = 21) and CD (where CD = 17). Let E and F be the midpoints of AD and BC, respectively. The midsegment EF is the line segment we want to find the length of.

To find the length of EF, you can use the formula:

EF = (AB + CD) / 2

Substituting the given values:

EF = (21 + 17) / 2

EF = 38 / 2

EF = 19

Therefore, the length of the midsegment EF is 19 units.