In parallelogram WXYZ, m<Y = 65 degrees. What are the measures of W, X, and Z in degrees?

Opposite angle of a parallelogram are equal. Consecutive angles are supplementary. W must be opposite Y so it equals 65. Remember that supplementary angles means they add up to 180. You can figure out X and Z.

Is y opposite of w horizonitally vertically or diagonally?

you can think of opposite as diagonally in this situation

To find the measures of angles W, X, and Z in parallelogram WXYZ, we need to consider the properties of parallelograms.

In a parallelogram, opposite angles are congruent. This means that angle Y is congruent to angle W because they are opposite each other. So, we have m<W = 65 degrees.

Similarly, angle X is also opposite angle Z. Therefore, the measure of angle Z is also 65 degrees, making m<Z = 65 degrees.

In summary:
- m<W = 65 degrees (angle Y)
- m<Y = 65 degrees (angle W)
- m<Z = 65 degrees (angle X)

Hence, angles W, X, and Z all have a measure of 65 degrees in parallelogram WXYZ.