lynn is 6 years older than Linda.The sum of their ages is 36. What is Linda's age.

Let x = Linda's age

x + x + 6 = 36
2x = 30
x = 15

This is pretty simple.

Let Linda's age be x.

So we have:

x + (x+6) = 36
2x + 6 = 36
2x = 36 - 6
2x = 30
x = 30/2
x = 15

Double checking, if Linda is 15, Lynn will be 21.

15 + 21 = 36

So x is definitely 15.

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To find Linda's age, we can set up an equation using the information given.

Let's assume Linda's age is "x" years. According to the problem, Lynn is 6 years older than Linda, so Lynn's age would be "x + 6" years.

The sum of their ages is stated as 36, so we can add their ages together:

x (Linda's age) + x + 6 (Lynn's age) = 36

Combining like terms, we have:

2x + 6 = 36

Now, we can solve for x by subtracting 6 from both sides:

2x = 36 - 6
2x = 30

Next, we isolate x by dividing both sides of the equation by 2:

2x/2 = 30/2
x = 15

So, Linda's age, represented by "x," is 15 years old.