what is the adverb in this sentence?

"Soon people became very fearful."

Which word answers one of these questions?




(Actually, there are 2 adverbs in there.)

soon and fearful

soon - yes

fearful - no, it's an adj modifying "people"

thank you so much!

Did you figure out what the 2nd adverb is?

Very is the adverb. How fearful? VERY fearful

To identify the adverb in the sentence "Soon people became very fearful," we need to consider the word that modifies another word (in this case, a verb, adjective, or other adverb) and indicates time, manner, place, or degree. In this sentence, the adverb is "soon."

To confirm this, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the verb: The verb in the sentence is "became."

2. Ask when or how did the verb happen: The answer is "soon."

Therefore, "soon" is the adverb in the sentence. It provides information about the time when the people became very fearful.