how can i findout how to do a histogram of 2 tables 1 with 3 intervals and the other with 4

To create a histogram using two tables with different intervals, you will need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the Data
1. Examine the first table and note the data values included in it.
2. Determine the number of intervals (bins) you want to use for this table. In this case, there are 3 intervals.

Step 2: Calculate the Interval Width
1. Subtract the minimum value of the data set from the maximum value.
2. Divide the result by the number of intervals to determine the width of each interval.

Step 3: Create Frequency Counts for the First Table
1. Set up a frequency count table with the corresponding intervals.
2. Count the number of values in the first table that fall within each interval.
3. Record the count in the frequency count table.

Step 4: Repeat Steps 1-3 for the Second Table
1. Examine the second table and note the data values included in it.
2. Determine the number of intervals (bins) you want to use for this table. In this case, there are 4 intervals.
3. Calculate the interval width, create a frequency count table, and record the counts for the second table.

Step 5: Combine the Frequency Counts for Both Tables
1. Merge the frequency count tables of the two tables into a single table.
2. Optionally, you can add a label or identifier to differentiate between the two tables.

Step 6: Create a Histogram
1. Use a graphing software or tool, such as Excel or a programming language like Python, to plot the histogram.
2. On the x-axis, represent the intervals.
3. On the y-axis, represent the frequency counts.
4. Add appropriate labels and titles to the graph.

By following these steps, you can successfully create a histogram using two tables with different intervals.