given the linear equation y = -2/3x -2. find y coordinates of the points (-9) (-3) and (6)

To find the y-coordinates of the points (-9), (-3), and (6) given the linear equation y = -2/3x - 2, you need to substitute the given x-values into the equation and solve for y.

1. For x = -9:
Substitute x = -9 into the equation y = -2/3x - 2:
y = (-2/3)(-9) - 2
y = 18/3 - 2
y = 6 - 2
y = 4
So, when x = -9, y = 4.

2. For x = -3:
Substitute x = -3 into the equation y = -2/3x - 2:
y = (-2/3)(-3) - 2
y = 6/3 - 2
y = 2 - 2
y = 0
Therefore, when x = -3, y = 0.

3. For x = 6:
Substitute x = 6 into the equation y = -2/3x - 2:
y = (-2/3)(6) - 2
y = -12/3 - 2
y = -4 - 2
y = -6
Consequently, when x = 6, y = -6.

Therefore, the y-coordinates of the points (-9), (-3), and (6) on the graph of the given equation y = -2/3x - 2 are 4, 0, and -6 respectively.