What has the biggest volume a ton of feathers or a ton of cement?

What do you think?

A ton of feathers and a ton of cement both weigh the same, as they both equal one ton. However, when comparing their volumes, the feathers will take up a much larger space compared to the cement. This is because feathers are lightweight and have a low density, meaning that a ton of feathers would be much bulkier than a ton of cement.

To understand why the feathers have a larger volume compared to the cement, we need to consider the concept of density. Density is defined as mass divided by volume. Since both the feathers and the cement weigh the same, but the feathers take up more space, it means that the feathers have a lower density than the cement.

So, in conclusion, a ton of feathers would have a larger volume compared to a ton of cement due to the difference in densities.