An aqueos solution is 65%(v/v) rubbing alcohol.How many millimeters of water are in a 95-mL sample of this solution?

See your other post above.

To determine the amount of water in a 95 mL sample of a 65% (v/v) rubbing alcohol solution, we need to first calculate the volume of rubbing alcohol in the solution and then subtract it from the total volume of the solution.

Step 1: Calculate the volume of rubbing alcohol:
A 65% (v/v) solution means that 65 mL of rubbing alcohol is present in every 100 mL of the solution. To find the volume of rubbing alcohol in the 95 mL sample, we can use the proportion:

Volume of rubbing alcohol / Total volume of solution = % concentration / 100

Let's denote the volume of rubbing alcohol as "x". Applying the above proportion:

x / 95 mL = 65% / 100

Cross multiplying, we get:

x = (65/100) * 95 mL
x = 0.65 * 95 mL
x = 61.75 mL

So, the volume of rubbing alcohol in the 95 mL sample is 61.75 mL.

Step 2: Calculate the volume of water:
To find the volume of water in the 95 mL sample, we subtract the volume of rubbing alcohol (61.75 mL) from the total volume of the sample (95 mL):

Volume of water = Total volume of solution - Volume of rubbing alcohol
Volume of water = 95 mL - 61.75 mL
Volume of water = 33.25 mL

Therefore, there are 33.25 milliliters of water in the 95 mL sample of the 65% (v/v) rubbing alcohol solution.