I TOTALY NEED HELP..... i have to answer 4 questions in a paragraph or long enough to fully explain it....

the questions are
1) Discuss the economic and financial programs of secretary of the treasury alexander hamilton. What id they include? What was Hamilton trying to accomplish? How and why did this grograms politically divide Americans?
2) "between 1793-17956. friction developed in american life as a result of disagreements over foreign affairs." Assess the validity of this statement using specific information, details, and commentary.
3) Why did Political parties emerge in the US at the end of the 18th century? Descirde the differences in the two parties?
4) How did the XYZ affair France spur opposition amoung groups within the US?

The first five look especially promising for information about Alexander Hamilton.

The first one may be of no help but the next several look promising re foreign affairs.



Once you've written up your responses, you may re-post and someone here may be able to give you better feedback.


how did the xyz affair divied the the two political parties?

cookies and milk

cookies and milk =)

To answer the questions in a paragraph or long enough to fully explain them, you can start by doing some research on each topic.

For the first question about Alexander Hamilton's economic and financial programs, you can use the provided link to search for information specifically about him. Look for sources that discuss his programs, what they included, and what he was trying to accomplish. This will help you understand his goals and the impact of his programs. Additionally, try to find information on how and why these programs politically divided Americans. This could be related to disagreements and differing opinions on the role of the federal government, economic policies, and the distribution of power.

For the second question about friction in American life resulting from disagreements over foreign affairs between 1793-1795, again use the provided link to search for information about this specific time period. Look for sources that provide specific information, details, and commentary on the disagreements over foreign affairs during that time. Assess the validity of the statement by examining the evidence and analyzing the impact of these disagreements on American society. This could involve conflicts over trade, diplomacy, alliances, or foreign policy decisions.

For the third question about the emergence of political parties in the US at the end of the 18th century, use the provided link to search for information on the reasons behind this development. Look for sources that explain the factors that led to the formation of political parties during this time. Additionally, describe the differences between the two parties that emerged. This could involve their views on government structure, interpretation of the Constitution, economic policies, and foreign affairs.

For the fourth question about how the XYZ affair with France spurred opposition among groups within the US, again use the provided link to search for information specifically on the XYZ affair. Look for sources that explain the details of the event and its impact on domestic politics. Explore how different groups within the US reacted to the affair and why it resulted in opposition. This could involve debates over foreign relations, national security, and the relationship with France.

After conducting your research and writing up your responses, you can re-post them here for feedback or further assistance.