Insert parentheses to make sentence true:

32 + (-4) - (-5) * 4 = 13

To insert parentheses into the expression 32 + (-4) - (-5) * 4 = 13 to make the sentence true, we need to follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS).

First, let's simplify the expression without any parentheses:
32 + (-4) - (-5) * 4 = 13

Next, we have to handle the negation (-) operators. In this case, for (-4), the negation applies only to the number 4, so it can be simplified as -4. However, for (-5), the negation applies to the entire term, so it becomes +5. Therefore, the expression can be simplified as:
32 - 4 + 5 * 4 = 13

Now, let's add parentheses to make the equation true.

If we want to prioritize the subtraction operation first, we can add parentheses around the portion:
(32 - 4) + 5 * 4 = 13

Performing the calculations within the parentheses:
28 + 5 * 4 = 13

Finally, we simplify the multiplication operation:
28 + 20 = 13

This statement is not true, and no combination of parentheses can make it true. Therefore, there is no way to insert parentheses to make the sentence true.