I'm still having trouble with this problem. Can someone please explain the steps to me.


Is this the next step?

-2x + 4 > 12

First, divide by 2 on all terms. (Or you can subtract the 4. It doesn't matter.)

-x + 2 > 6
Subtract the 2.

-x > 4
Divide by -1 on both sides. Don't forget to switch the inequality sign when dividing by a negative number.

x < 4

Thanks, I'm not good at this!

No problem. :)

A helpful hint is that you can solve inequalities as you would any other equation. Just pretend the inequality is an equal sign. (But if you're dividing by a negative, don't forget to flip the sign.)

To solve the inequality -2x + 4 > 12, you need to isolate the variable x. Here are the steps involved:

1. Start by subtracting 4 from both sides of the inequality: -2x + 4 - 4 > 12 - 4
This simplifies to: -2x > 8

2. Next, divide both sides of the inequality by -2 (since we want to isolate x): -2x / -2 < 8 / -2
Remember that when dividing or multiplying both sides of an inequality by a negative number, the inequality sign changes direction.
This simplifies to: x < -4

So the solution to the inequality is x < -4.