please help to get the answer for this word problem and it would be my great gratitude and the question below..

Alex has 50 ping pong balls that he bought in sets of 6. How many sets of balls does Alex have?( Hint: express answer as a mixed number)

50/6 = ?

Joe mama

To solve this word problem, you need to find out how many sets of 6 ping pong balls are in a total of 50 ping pong balls.

Step 1: Divide the total number of ping pong balls by the number of balls in a set (6).

50 ÷ 6 = 8.3333333...

To express the answer as a mixed number, we need to convert the decimal fraction (0.3333333...) into a fraction. To do this, we can multiply and divide by 10 to get rid of the decimal point.

Multiply both the numerator and denominator by 10:

0.3333333... × 10/10 = 3.3333333... / 10

Step 2: Simplify the fraction by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 10.

3.3333333... ÷ 10 = 1/3

Step 3: Add the whole number part (8) with the fraction part (1/3) to get the mixed number.

8 + 1/3 = 8 1/3

Therefore, Alex has 8 sets and 1/3 of a set of ping pong balls.