using the van der Waals equation calculate the pressur exterted by .5160 mol N2 in a 1L container at 24.6C

What's the problem here? Do you need to know the formula? Something about the formula you don't understand? Do you have the values for the constants, a and b? It's straight forward, plug and chug!

i don't know where to find the constant values for a and b

For N2, a = 1.39 L^2-atm/mol^2

b = 0.0391 L/mol

To calculate the pressure exerted by the nitrogen gas using the van der Waals equation, we need to know the values of the gas constant (R), the temperature (T), the volume (V), and the values of the van der Waals parameters (a and b) for nitrogen gas.

The van der Waals equation is given by:

[P + a(n/V)^2] * [V - nb] = nRT

P = pressure
a, b = van der Waals constants for the gas
n = number of moles of gas
V = volume of the container
R = gas constant
T = temperature in Kelvin

Let's start by substituting the known values into the equation:

n = 0.5160 mol (given)
V = 1 L (given)
T = 24.6°C = 24.6 + 273.15 = 297.75 K (convert to Kelvin)

Next, we need to find the values of the van der Waals constants (a and b) for nitrogen gas.

For nitrogen gas, the values are:
a = 1.39 L^2 atm/mol^2
b = 0.0391 L/mol

Now, let's substitute all the known values into the equation:

[P + (1.39 * (0.5160/1)^2)] * [1 - (0.0391 * 0.5160)] = (0.5160 * R * 297.75)

We can solve this equation to find the pressure (P). However, it's important to note that the gas constant R is typically given in different units. To ensure consistency in units, we need the value of R in L·atm/(mol·K).

The value of R in L·atm/(mol·K) is approximately 0.0821 L·atm/(mol·K).

Using this value of R, we can solve the equation to find the pressure (P) exerted by the nitrogen gas in the 1L container at 24.6°C.