(purple smooth = 75, white smooth = 28, purple wrinkled = 24, white wrinkled = 8)

Account for the difference between the expected and experimental values.

Proofread your questions before you post them.

You only give one set of values.

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To account for the difference between the expected and experimental values, you can calculate the expected values using the probability of each outcome and compare them to the actual observed values. Here's how you can do it:

1. Calculate the total number of smooth and wrinkled peas:
Total smooth peas = purple smooth + white smooth = 75 + 28 = 103
Total wrinkled peas = purple wrinkled + white wrinkled = 24 + 8 = 32

2. Calculate the total number of peas:
Total peas = total smooth peas + total wrinkled peas = 103 + 32 = 135

3. Calculate the probability for each type of pea:
Probability of smooth peas = total smooth peas / total peas = 103 / 135 ≈ 0.763
Probability of wrinkled peas = total wrinkled peas / total peas = 32 / 135 ≈ 0.237

4. Calculate the expected number of each type of pea:
Expected smooth peas = probability of smooth peas * total number of peas = 0.763 * 135 ≈ 103.005
Expected wrinkled peas = probability of wrinkled peas * total number of peas = 0.237 * 135 ≈ 31.995

5. Compare the expected and experimental values:
Difference for smooth peas = expected smooth peas - experimental smooth peas
= 103.005 - (purple smooth + white smooth)
= 103.005 - (75 + 28)

Difference for wrinkled peas = expected wrinkled peas - experimental wrinkled peas
= 31.995 - (purple wrinkled + white wrinkled)
= 31.995 - (24 + 8)

The differences will give you an indication of how closely the experimental values match the expected values. If the differences are close to zero, it suggests a good agreement, while larger differences indicate a deviation from the expected values.