Do I have this right?

Jane or Tom will wake up Tanner this evening.

Compound: Yes
Conditional: Yes
Antecedent: Jane or Tom
Consequent: Will wake up Tanner this evening.
Contradictory: Neither Jane or Tom will wake up Tanner.
Contrapositive: ?

you have all of the othet things right but i am not so sure what the contrapositive would be

Someone else might wake up Tanner.

I see nothing conditional about this sentence. It's stating a fact without any "if" statements.


why yall gotta wake me up like leave me alone im tryna sleep

To determine the contrapositive of a conditional statement, we first need to identify the antecedent and consequent of the statement. In this case, the antecedent is "Jane or Tom" and the consequent is "will wake up Tanner this evening."

To form the contrapositive, we negate both the antecedent and the consequent, and then switch their positions. Negating "Jane or Tom" gives us "Neither Jane nor Tom", and negating "will wake up Tanner this evening" gives us "will not wake up Tanner this evening". Finally, we switch their positions to form the contrapositive: "If Tanner is not going to be woken up this evening, then neither Jane nor Tom will do it."

So the contrapositive of the conditional statement "Jane or Tom will wake up Tanner this evening" would be "If Tanner is not going to be woken up this evening, then neither Jane nor Tom will do it."