Read the second paragraph of the synthesis passage. It may be found on pp. 38 & 39. Using your reading for the week and this paragraph in particular, answer the following questions.

What is the key objective when writing a paragraph on synthesis?

Do you feel the author was effective?

What is your specific question?

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To answer these questions, you will need to have access to the reading for the week and specifically read the second paragraph of the synthesis passage, which can be found on pages 38 and 39.

Here are the steps to get the answers:

Step 1: Obtain the reading material for the week that includes the synthesis passage.

Step 2: Turn to pages 38 and 39 to find the second paragraph of the synthesis passage.

Step 3: Read the second paragraph carefully to understand its content.

Step 4: Identify the key objective when writing a paragraph on synthesis based on the information provided in the paragraph.

Step 5: Evaluate whether you feel the author was effective in achieving the objectives mentioned in the paragraph.

By following these steps, you will be able to find the answers to the questions regarding the key objective of writing a paragraph on synthesis and your personal evaluation of the author's effectiveness.