what substance was used to stuff the nostrils?

Whose nostrils? Where? When? Please clarify your question, and we'll try to help you find the answer.

I don't think her question is up to snuff


To determine what substance was used to stuff the nostrils, you would need to gather information from reliable sources such as historical accounts, forensic records, or scientific studies.

One possible answer to your question relates to the process of embalming in ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians used a substance called "natron" to facilitate the preservation of deceased bodies. Natron is a naturally occurring mixture of salts, including sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate, which they applied to various body cavities, including the nostrils.

If you're interested in learning more about this topic, you can consult historical records, archaeological studies, or articles from reputable sources that specialize in ancient Egyptian culture or funeral practices. These sources can provide more detailed and accurate information on the exact substances used in the stuffing of nostrils for embalming purposes.