


= g*ug/(mg*kg)
= (g/mg)*(ug/kg)= 10^3*10^-9 = 10^-6

(11.38 g/day)*(2.82ug/kg)*(17.5kg-day/mg)/20kg

= 0.000000002808015
What would be the symbol after the number g/kg, ug/kg? I have no clue

Please help

To simplify the given expression: (g/day) * (ug/kg) * (kg.day/mg) / kg, let's break it down step by step and cancel out the units to find the final answer.

Step 1: (g/day) * (ug/kg)
To cancel out the units, we need to multiply by the reciprocal of the second term's unit.

1 (g/day) * (ug/kg) * (1000 mg/1 g) = (1000 ug/day)

Now the units in the expression are in micrograms per day (ug/day).

Step 2: (1000 ug/day) * (kg.day/mg)
To cancel out the units, we need to multiply by the reciprocal of the second term's unit.

(1000 ug/day) * (1 kg.day/1000 mg) = (1 kg.day/1 day)

Now the units in the expression are in kg per day (kg/day).

Step 3: (1 kg.day/1 day) / kg
To cancel out the units, we need to divide by the second term's unit.

(1 kg.day/1 day) / (1 kg) = 1 kg.day

Now the units in the expression are in kg.day.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 1 kg.day.