1. An important similarity shared by walt whitman and emily dickinson are?

A. Fondness for big cityiving
B. obscurity during their lifetime
C. Rejection by the literary community
D. Abandonment of literary conventions

Which do YOU THINK the answer is?

To determine the important similarity shared by Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson, we need to analyze some information about their lives and works. Let's break down the options one by one:

A. Fondness for big city living: Both Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson had different preferences when it came to their living environments. Whitman spent most of his life in big cities like New York City and Washington, D.C., while Dickinson lived most of her life in seclusion in Amherst, Massachusetts. Therefore, this option is not the correct similarity.

B. Obscurity during their lifetime: Both Whitman and Dickinson experienced a certain degree of obscurity during their lifetimes. Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" initially received mixed reviews and faced controversy for its open expression of sexuality, leading to limited publication and recognition. Likewise, Dickinson's poems were mostly unpublished and unknown to the wider literary world during her lifetime. Therefore, this option is a potential similarity.

C. Rejection by the literary community: Although both Whitman and Dickinson faced challenges and criticism in their writing careers, they had slightly different experiences in relation to the literary community. Whitman's work was met with both praise and criticism, and he gained some recognition before his death. In contrast, Dickinson's works were largely unknown and unrecognized until after her death. Therefore, this option is not the correct similarity.

D. Abandonment of literary conventions: Both Whitman and Dickinson are known for their departure from traditional literary conventions of their time. Whitman's free verse style and unconventional themes challenged the established norms of poetry, while Dickinson's unique use of punctuation, capitalization, and syntax subverted traditional poetic techniques. Therefore, this option is a potential similarity.

Considering the information above, the correct similarity shared by Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson is D. Abandonment of literary conventions. Both poets are known for their innovative approaches to poetry, breaking away from the established norms of their time.