1. Mis abuelos viven en Manhattan. ____ apartamento es grande y bonito.

a. Sus
b. Su
c. Nuestros
d. Nuestro

2. Para la comida, ¿___ Evangelina y tú el pescado o el bistec?
a. prefieren
b. prefiero
c. prefieres
d. prefiere
A or C?

3. ____ después de la comida.
a. Pongo la mesa
b. Siempre cocino
c. Quito la mesa
d. Compro pan

4. Tengo que limpiar el refrigerador; _______.
a. estoy sucio
b. está sucio
c. no está sucia
d. están sucios

5. No quiero ese escritorio de metal; prefiero el escritorio ________.
a. de nada
b. cuadrada
c. moderna
d. de madera


Shame on you! Spanish is all about number (singular/plural) and gender (masculine/feminine). Look at #1 and the noun apartamento which is masculine singular. You must select an adjective which is ALSO masculine and singular. b. Su (because you have no reason to believe you live with them. The answer is "their apartment..."

2. You have a compound subject (plural) = Evangeline and YOU a. Prefieren

3. Why would you buy bread AFTER the meal? c. Quito la mesa (I leave the table)

4. b. IT (the refrigerator) is dirty.

5. You finally got one!


1. The correct answer is b. Su. This is because "abuelos" is a plural noun, so we use the possessive pronoun "su" to agree with the plural noun. The correct sentence would be "Su apartamento es grande y bonito," which means "Their apartment is big and beautiful."

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the possessive pronouns in Spanish and how they agree in number and gender with the noun they modify.

2. The correct answer is a. prefieren. This is because the question is referring to both Evangelina and the person being addressed (tú), which is a plural subject. Therefore, we need the plural form of the verb "preferir," which is "prefieren." The correct sentence would be "¿Prefieren Evangelina y tú el pescado o el bistec?" which means "Do you and Evangelina prefer fish or steak?"

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand subject-verb agreement in Spanish and how to conjugate regular -ir verbs in the present indicative tense.

3. The correct answer is c. Quito la mesa. This is because the sentence is asking what you do after the meal, and "quitar la mesa" means "to clear the table." The sentence "Quito la mesa" translates to "I clear the table."

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the meaning of the provided options and select the one that best fits the context.

4. The correct answer is b. está sucio. This is because "refrigerador" is a masculine singular noun, so we use the singular form of the verb "estar" which is "está." Additionally, we use the adjective "sucio" to agree in number and gender with the noun. The correct sentence would be "Tengo que limpiar el refrigerador; está sucio," which means "I have to clean the refrigerator; it is dirty."

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand subject-verb agreement, adjective agreement, and the use of the verb "estar" to express temporary states or conditions in Spanish.

5. The correct answer is d. de madera. This is because the sentence is asking for the preference of desks, and "de madera" means "made of wood." The correct sentence would be "No quiero ese escritorio de metal; prefiero el escritorio de madera," which means "I don't want that metal desk; I prefer the wooden desk."

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the meaning of the provided options and select the one that best fits the context.