Silver chloride, often used in silver plating, contains 75.27% .Calculate the mass of silver chloride required to plate 195 of pure silver.

Here is a solved example of a stoichiometry problem. Just follow the steps. Ignore the 75.27%.

To calculate the mass of silver chloride required to plate 195g of pure silver, we need to use the given percentage composition and the molar masses of silver and silver chloride.

Let's break down the steps to get the answer:

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal.

The given percentage is 75.27%. We can convert it to a decimal by dividing it by 100:

75.27% รท 100 = 0.7527

Step 2: Find the mass of silver chloride in 100g of the compound.

Since the given percentage composition is based on 100g of silver chloride, we can find the mass of silver chloride in 100g by multiplying the decimal from Step 1 by 100g:

0.7527 * 100g = 75.27g

This means that 100g of silver chloride contains 75.27g of silver.

Step 3: Calculate the mass of silver chloride required to plate 195g of pure silver.

Now, we need to calculate how much silver chloride is required to plate 195g of pure silver. We can set up a proportion using the ratio of silver chloride to silver:

(75.27g / 100g) = (x / 195g)

Cross multiplying:

75.27g * 195g = 100g * x

14,657.65g = 100g * x

Dividing both sides by 100g:

14,657.65g / 100g = x

146.577g = x

Therefore, the mass of silver chloride required to plate 195g of pure silver is 146.577g.